The Case Against Single-Use Products

Stephanie Zhu
6 min readJul 31, 2019

What’s SUP? Single-use products.

When I walk into a grocery store, my mind converts all the packaged goods in the aisle to empty containers. And then I get overwhelmed.

The reality of where our trash goes.

Instead, let’s take another approach.

Let me paint a picture of an idyllic community harmoniously engaging with Mother Nature and the organic interactions that arise as a result.

A woman leaves her house with a breadbasket and bikes to the local bakery.

She engages in friendly conversation with the baker, asking about the specials of the day and if they have any of those sweet delicious mini chocolate croissants left. The baker says yes, and throws in an extra one for free, asking how the woman’s daughter is doing. They chat about their families, and then wish each other well. The woman bikes home, appreciating the breeze and the sights along the way.

Here is the modern-day version of this.

A woman leaves her house, gets into her car, and drives to the grocery store that is 3 miles away.

She walks down the aisle, avoiding eye contact with anyone else in the grocery store. She selects a loaf of bread that is packaged in a sleeve and contains preservatives that she may not know about if she…



Stephanie Zhu

Passionate about agriculture policy and agroecology. MS Student in Rural Sociology & International Agriculture and Development @ Penn State University