Redefining Money vs Value

Stephanie Zhu
6 min readApr 22, 2020

During these Coronavirus times, the stark contrast that is income equality is becoming grossly apparent.

I personally do not believe money reflects true value.

Money is power.

Money is life-force energy.

Where Money flows is what gets brought to life in our capitalist-structured society.

I feel a strong obligation to write about it because I believe my perspective can bridge those who are in upper to higher class (as categorized from a money perspective) plus those who are in the lower-income brackets.

When I chat with certain friends who have stable jobs in the technology sector in San Francisco or Wall Street in New York City, they are having a good time with quarantine. They are seeing it as a break or even a vacation. I watched Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show from Home, and he is mentioning what a precious time it is to spend more time with family.

This is just one narrow perspective.

For many others, including my friends as artists or creators or entrepreneurs, our financial stability (which was already shakey to begin with) has been completely stripped from us.



Stephanie Zhu

Passionate about agriculture policy and agroecology. MS Student in Rural Sociology & International Agriculture and Development @ Penn State University