how i’m healing my emotional trauma

Stephanie Zhu
3 min readDec 16, 2019

By no longer listening to other people and trusting myself.

It takes a while to get to this point, I definitely acknowledge this. I have put my body through some STUFF. Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual pain. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll make it.

I always do. My body always survives. It always comes back on top. It teaches me what I need and speaks up in the form of physical or emotional pain for me to process and work through.

I have healed a lot of my own injuries and pain by being diligent with natural remedies plus addressing the underlying metaphysical mental pattern that lead me to use that body part so carelessly or exhaustively to get the injury in the first place.

This is called esoteric anatomy, the idea that every physical pain correlates to some metaphysical blockage in the mind and spirit.

I use other people’s guidance as just that, a guide, but ultimately leave it up to myself and my body to learn about what my needs are, what works well for me.

And I trust. I’ve recently tapped into the power of knowing that someone in this lifetime has been through what I’m going through. All of my feelings have been felt like someone in space or time at some point. It makes me feel not alone and even empowered. I trust myself so deeply, to my core.

It helps me break out of the narratives that I hold in my mind that restrict me from living freely. The mind boggle even that “I have trauma” is…



Stephanie Zhu

Passionate about agriculture policy and agroecology. MS Student in Rural Sociology & International Agriculture and Development @ Penn State University